Ashley Janicki is the 2024-2025 JCE PTO Treasurer. She processes all requests for funds and reimbursements. If you have any questions or concerns regarding monetary matters, contact her at Thank you!
FUNDS REQUESTS (for Teachers & Staff)
If the request is under $500: Submit your request to the PTO at least two weeks before the funds are needed. The executive committee will review and respond within 24 hours.
If the request is over $500: Submit your request at least two weeks prior to an executive board meeting. Once the request has been reviewed, it will be put on the agenda for the next general assembly, where you will need to attend to answer any questions that the members may have. Note: The PTO will not fund items already purchased prior to bringing the request to the members.
JCE PTO 2024-25 Reimbursement Form
Please submit a funds request for board approval before submitting this form. Reimbursement is not guaranteed without board approval.
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